The Power of an Artistic Community

When we embark on a new journey, whether it's learning to paint or pursuing any other passion, it's easy to convince ourselves that our struggles and fears are uniquely our own. We often believe that no one else could possibly understand what we're going through. Our minds can be our greatest saboteurs, discouraging us from seeking the vital support we need. But sometimes, all it takes is one brave step to share our vulnerabilities, leading us to discover that we are not alone.

Creative community You Can Folk It painting

We recently witnessed (yet again) the incredible power of support within our student community. A few beginners shared that their painting courses remained unopened, and something was stopping them from starting. When one student wrote a post asking if she was alone in this feeling, the response she received was nothing short of amazing. Fellow learners came forward with empathy, sharing their own stories of initial hesitations and fears. In that moment, it became evident that we are far more alike than we give ourselves credit for.

Creative community You Can Folk It painting

We often find ourselves admiring the work of others, thinking they have it all figured out, that painting is something that is so much easier for others than it is for us. Those painters we admire that share their work on social media, the ones we wish our work could resemble, are just like us. They too have faced self-doubt and uncertainty. When you finally realise you're not alone on your journey the relief is nothing short of profound. 

Creative community You Can Folk It painting

In an ideal world, support like that found in our student community would have been the norm growing up.  However, we can't help but wonder that if we had experienced support like that, if it was normal, maybe we would have taken it for granted and not included it in our painting courses. Perhaps it's the challenges we’ve faced and the experience of feeling alone that has made us truly appreciate the importance of finding your people on this journey.  We are truly grateful that together with our students, we have helped create and are a part of a fantastic artistic community. 

Creative community You Can Folk It painting

Happy Painting! 

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